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Ten Dollars is Ten Dollars

George and his wife Bessie went to the county fair

every year. This was their "big" event of the year.

In fact, it was the closest thing they ever had to

a vacation.

And each year George would say to Bessie, "I sure

would like to ride in that there crop dustin',

acrobatic airplane." And each year Bessie would

say, "I know George, but that airplane ride costs

ten dollars. And ten dollars is ten dollars."

One year George and Bessie went to the fair and

George said, "Bessie, I'm 81 years old. If I don't

ride that airplane this year, I may never get

another chance."

Bessie replied, "George, that there airplane ride

costs ten dollars. And ten dollars is ten dollars."

The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I've

seen you here year after year. I know you've been

wanting to ride in my airplane all that time. I

also know that money is pretty important to you,

and you don't part with it lightly."

"Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. I'll take you

both up for a ride. If you can both keep quiet for

the entire ride, and not say one word, I won't

charge you a thing. But if you say even one word,

it'll cost you ten dollars."

George and Bessie agreed. They got in the plane and

took off. The pilot did all kinds of twists, turns,

rolls, and dives, but he didn't hear a peek from

George or Bessie. He tries his fastest upside roll

and it was still quiet from the back.

When they landed, the pilot looked at George:

"Well, I don't believe it George, I did everything

I could think of to get you to yell, but you


George replied, "Well, I was going to say something

when Bessie fell out of the airplane...."

"But, ten dollars is ten dollars."

George and his wife Bessie went to the county fair

every year. This was their "big" event of the year.

In fact, it was the closest thing they ever had to

a vacation.

And each year George would say to Bessie, "I sure

would like to ride in that there crop dustin',

acrobatic airplane." And each year Bessie would

say, "I know George, but that airplane ride costs

ten dollars. And ten dollars is ten dollars."

One year George and Bessie went to the fair and

George said, "Bessie, I'm 81 years old. If I don't

ride that airplane this year, I may never get

another chance."

Bessie replied, "George, that there airplane ride

costs ten dollars. And ten dollars is ten dollars."

The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I've

seen you here year after year. I know you've been

wanting to ride in my airplane all that time. I

also know that money is pretty important to you,

and you don't part with it lightly."

"Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. I'll take you

both up for a ride. If you can both keep quiet for

the entire ride, and not say one word, I won't

charge you a thing. But if you say even one word,

it'll cost you ten dollars."

George and Bessie agreed. They got in the plane and

took off. The pilot did all kinds of twists, turns,

rolls, and dives, but he didn't hear a peek from

George or Bessie. He tries his fastest upside roll

and it was still quiet from the back.

When they landed, the pilot looked at George:

"Well, I don't believe it George, I did everything

I could think of to get you to yell, but you


George replied, "Well, I was going to say something

when Bessie fell out of the airplane...."

"But, ten dollars is ten dollars."

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